Enterprise IT Revolution Alert!
The businesses looking to rise beyond the ever-challenging market competition with a power-packed SaaS product are probably all looking for SaaS developers at this point ! But I’m glad you landed at the right place, to do your pre-hunt research.
Here client ( A New York based eLearning company ) was looking to build a multi-faceted and user friendly online test-preparation site which enables students to discover their areas of strength and weakness and work on them. Also, one objective was to mimic different kind of exam (Like SAT, etc.) scenarios and their varying question patterns like interactive questions, multi-part linked questions, MCQ’s, dichotomous questions and essay type questions and the associated time restrictions on such questions.
BinaryFolks developed an online examination website whereby students spread over different schools can choose among finely defined hierarchical questions for different subjects and appear for online examinations and get system evaluated results immediately. They can also submit physical assignments in electronic form. If required in special cases, the teachers can check the answers manually from the back end and override system evaluated results. The upper management of the education system can see an auto generated dashboard of how the students are performing at class level, school level and district level. Teachers can identify which subject some particular student is lagging and need help. Parent - teacher communication is an important component of this application and we developed mechanisms for getting parent’s approval in certain matters.. Then notifications are sent to the parents regarding their kid’s performance so that they can be up to date with their child’s progress.
PHP, html, CSS, Joomla, Javascript, Jquery, Apache, MooTools.