One of the biggest California based established wine merchant company wanted us to build a marketing software to use all relevant data to make automated sales offer to customers. As with manual targeting and marketing, not all inventory gets marketing attention and also it’s very time consuming, they wanted us to use data mining to get an overall idea of their customer behavior and then determine which wines to offer to which customers, thus helping them target campaigns more accurately and efficiently and increase their return on investment.
We used sophisticated data mining techniques to send very targeted offers to premium customers in order to increase conversion rate, capture more customer wallet share, reduce man hours to send automated offer and uncover hidden markets. The mechanism we use is to send the emails in batches to the group of customers until the wine is sold out following a highly sophisticated business logic optimizing sales volume and making sure we don’t over communicate. We also track the emails sent and their responses to get an overall idea of the conversion rate.
Python, flask, azure, pandas, Azure SQL Server Database, Bootstrap , HTML-5 , CSS, Jquery